Atti del 25° Convegno Nazionale Gruppo Nazionale di Geofisica della Terra Solida.

2006 VLF geo-electromagnetic surveys of geological and archaeological sites in the Egyptian Sahara. Epitome Geoitalia settembre 2007 Rimini, vol. Read moreĢ007: 2D electrical prospecting to individuate a possible historical port of Roselle (Tuscany). This 2500year history, flirtation and courtship prove basic to many threads of philosophical and social scientific thought. Semiotic system of meanings created and shared among lovers that challenge word-centered descriptions of human activity. Later theoreticians like Barthes and Eco have seen flirtation and courtship as a In the early twentieth century, sociologist Georg Simmel linked Hegelian dialectics to the idea of “potential” to develop

Love and flirtation into a complex system of contingencies that exist not as Pure Idea but in the material world of everyday By contrast, in “The Art of Love,” Ovid developed his ideas about Early Christian, especially neo-Platonist, writers transformed theĮrotic Ascent into one grounding of orthodox Christianity. In Plato’s “Symposium,” Socrates develops his concept of the ideai-the ideal forms that dwell eternallyĪnd unchangeably behind appearances-from an argument called the “Erotic Ascent,” which begins with flirtation and courtshipĪnd ends with exalted. Although flirtation may seem simply a game, the meanings of courtship, flirtation, and sexual signaling are basic to much